
Deploy a fullstack project to AWS

Fullstack projects

I deployed two fullstack projects (four servers) to AWS, all in one EC2 instance, to save resources. Introduction

  1. school CMS
    • frontend: React
    • backend: NodeJS
  2. todo List
    • frontend: HTML+CSS+VanillaJS
    • backend: NodeJS

Launch a AWS EC2 VM

Step 1

Click launch button on EC2 Dashboard

Step 2

Keep every setting default, except for your instance name and key pair If you don’t have a key pair (you should have one if you use Github), click Create new key pair, I would like to choose .ppk format, since it can be used with Putty

Step 3

Click Launch instance, then you can see a green success prompt.

Connect to instance

connect Click the connect button, it goes to the Amazon Linux OS terminal linux

use Putty

Import yourKey.ppk to AWS Key Pairs if you didn’t create a new key in Launch a AWS EC2 VM-step 2 putty Then you can use Putty to connect to your ec2 instance to check if its SSH port 22

Clone github repo

Step 1 Install git

sudo yum update
sudo yum install git

Step 2 Import Github key to ec2 instance

You have to transfer your github private and public key to your ec2 instance

File transfer btw your local PC to AWS ec2 virtual machine by WinSCP winscp Go to Advanced to allow authentication winscp Then you can transfer files by simply dragging btw the two windows winscp

Drag them to anywhere in your ec2, and use this command to move two files to .ssh folder

mv id_rsa ~/.ssh
mv id_rsa.pub ~/.ssh

Then you should be able to clone your Github repo to your ec2 machine

mkdir diana
cd diana
git clone ***

But another error occurs: file permission This is because when you transfer a file from outside, the permission of the file is read and write You have to modify it to read only by

chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Then all clear

Test the servers

All of my servers are ran with NodeJS. So after npm i, I just run npm start to start all my servers

Port forwarding

Before accessing ec2 from public internet, access control has to be correctly configured. I have 2 projects, 4 servers:

Thus REVERSE PROXY and PORT FORWARDING are applied here.

On one hand, configure Nginx

confiture nginx nginx

  1. Install Nginx.
    sudo yum install nginx
    sudo dnf install nginx
  2. Reboot the ec2 instance
  3. test and start nginx
    sudo systemctl status nginx
    sudo systemctl start nginx
  4. set up Nginx server block
    cd etc/nginx
    sudo vim nginx.conf


  5. Reboot the ec2 instance

Then port forwarding is finished

On the other hand, configure the security group (fire wall)

security group

Both security group and nginx are related to internet safety and access control.

Run the servers

Run four servers in one terminal

(cd school_CMS/frontend; npm start)&(cd school_CMS/backend; npm start)&(cd todo_List/frontend; npm start)&(cd todo_List/backend; npm start)

But when you shut your PC down, the ec2 will be disconnected.

Run the servers even if you shut your local PC down.

This is realized by using screen command Open a background session and give your session a name

screen -S shoolCMS_backend

screen session

Do what you want in one session screen session

Repeat the above steps and then check your session list

screen -ls

screen session

All done! Hooray!

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